MP3 with video stuck on rendering

I want to create a video with an mp3 file that is 1:02 long. It continues to show it is rendering. How long is too long to wait? Or does this not work?


Please rephrase your question. Since it’s impossible to know the length of the video.

What settings did you use for the video?

It’s very time consuming. So wait for minutes.

If it still does not work: send us your wcld2 file, your mp3 and your settings. Email: support [at] zygomatic [dot] com.

I have a word cloud created. I have saved as a video before at the slowest speed 1fps with no audio and it worked.

I am now trying to save as a video slowest speed 1fps with audio. I add an mp3 file that is 1 minute long. When I click save it begins and I see the spinning circle shapes but it never finishes. I have waited 10-15 minutes. Just wondering if it takes longer than 15 minutes? Is my audio file too long? Is there another format other than mp3 that works better? I know the word cloud videos I have created before only last a few seconds. Does my mp3 file need to be only as long as the video last?

Hope that makes it more clear :slight_smile:

Yes. More clear. Please send us your wcld2 file, your mp3 and your settings. Email: support [at] zygomatic [dot] com.

So we can check.

Hi tkulmacz: bug found and fixed, saving video with mp3 soundtrack now works properly. Please try again. Thanks for reporting this issue.