Word Weight Difference

I have read up on word weight. I only want my words to appear once each and I want to weight them so I have control over which is biggest, which is smallest. Apologies if this is asked a lot. I tried unchecking the box by slider and it didn’t seem to correct. Please help! What a nice community and a nice product![quote=“MissMaggie, post:1, topic:215, full:true”]
Read up on word weight. I only want my words to appear once each and I want to weight them so I have control over which is biggest, which is smallest. Apologies if this is asked a lot. I tried unchecking the box by slider and it didn’t seem to correct. Please help! What a nice community and a nice product!


uncheck auto fit and repeat words.
** auto fit tries to fit all words so scales words down when they do not fit
** and repeat words does what it says.

If use uncheck both it works as expected. But check if all words are shown since there is no auto fit. You can move the big slider to the left to shrink all words evenly and thus show more words.